Thảo Luận Truyện

How Long until Ivermectin Starts to Work?


The onset of action of ivermectin, an antiparasitic medication, can vary depending on the specific condition being treated and individual factors. In some cases, such as scabies infestations, relief from symptoms like itching may begin within hours to days after administration. However, complete eradication of the parasites and resolution of symptoms may take several days to weeks.

For conditions like onchocerciasis (river blindness), the effects of ivermectin may not be immediately apparent, as the medication primarily targets the microfilariae (larval stage) of the parasite rather than the adult worms. Over time, repeated doses of ivermectin can reduce the burden of infection and prevent complications associated with the disease.

It's important to follow the prescribed treatment regimen and continue taking ivermectin as directed by a healthcare professional, even if symptoms improve before completion of the course. Skipping doses or discontinuing treatment prematurely can lead to incomplete eradication of the parasites and potential recurrence of the infection. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance on the use of ivermectin and monitoring of treatment efficacy.

Read about Ivermectin Here,